Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Neil Gorsuch picked to be the new Supreme Court Justice: (131/88/33)

Trump has picked Neil Gorsuch to be the new Supreme Court Justice to replace Antonin Scalia.

He picked him on 1/31/2017:

Gorsuch ties into Trump and The Republican Party:

Today has 49 numerology, 1+31+17=49, Gorsuch is 49 years old and Washington = 49:

This Supreme Court pick comes 33 weeks after Trump's last birthday:

This announcement comes 156 days after Gorsuch's birthday:

The abbreviation for Supreme Court of the United States is SCOTUS:


  1. Wow - go George! Great posts. Just came back to comment on the 88 you pointed out a few days ago! 88 it is...good job

    1. In reading up on Trump's rationale it was the pedigree like I said...Ivy League boy in the club.

    2. I still won't be surprised if the other dude Hardiman ends up being a future pick by Trump, has some good coding on him for the job. With that being said, they definitely made sure it was today that he made his pick of Gorsuch with the 131 coding + the 156 day span from his birthday.

  2. Twenty ninth of August = 2+5+5+5+2+7 + 5+9+5+2+8 + 6+6 + 1+3+7+3+10+2 = 93 (S Exception)
    You mentioned that he was picked 156 days after his birthday
    one hundred fifty six = 226 (Ordinal)
    1/31/2017 is also 211 days before his birthday (47th prime - 211)
    two hundred twenty six = 93 (Reduced)

    Neil McGill Gorsuch is a judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit
    Supreme Court Justice = 261 (Ordinal)
    261 is octal of 177
    Tenth Circuit = 1077 (English)

    1. Also he assumed office on 8/8/2006 nominated by George W. Bush

    2. Good info - there's the 88 again. Predetermined for sure.

    3. The 93/226 is the Saturn connection for this story and also I find the 10th circuit interesting because Trump is from NY, Ten=39, New York=39.
