Friday, August 26, 2016

Pettis vs. Oliveira key points

Found some key things:

Aug 27th leaves 126 days in the year;
Pettis last fought 126 days ago
126 days or 4 months 4 days, Wisconsin = 44

his birthday is 1/27
if you include end date his last fight was 127 days ago

plus 1/27
he's fighting 8/27

A loss puts oliveira at 21-6 a lot like 2016

'Seven Months Later' = 1260 in Sumerian form, a lot like the span from his last fight to this one/days left in the year

Oliveira is born 10/17
'nineteen and five' what pettis can be with a win = 75 R
October 17 leaves 75 days left in the year

Pettis is from Milwaukee it says on sherdog, the city who had the riots after the alleged killing of another black American.
Maybe that story was a leadup to this fight, the date spans didn't seem to have anything connecting

Oliveira's case:

Milwaukee, Wisconsin = 225, if pettis loses, then oliveira is 22-5 
Oliveira is fighting 252 days after his last fight, can be 22-5
Oliveira is fighting 51,52 days before his birthday (1 month 21 days) revelation =121
should oliveira win he'll likely lose the next fight, "twenty two and five" in the English Ordinal system equals 226

Black and Yellow = 840 Sumerian (color of trunks in ufc picture atm)
'fourth straight loss' = 84 R

Savage made a strong case for Oliveira to win but I really just can't see Pettis losing his fourth straight fight.

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