Monday, August 8, 2016

UFC 202-Johnson-Teixeira

Johnson-Teixeira breakdown:

Las Vegas 86 O 23 R 41 S-exception
Nevada 47 O 20 R
Las Vegas, Nevada 133 O 43 R 61 S-exception
Area code 702
T-Mobile Arena 115 O 52 R
T-Mobile 76 O 31 R

Date of event 8/20/2016=64/37/19/44 (10,10,10 num.)
August Twentieth 213 O 60 R 69 S-exception
8/20 is the 233rd day of the year in leap years and leaves 133 (Las Vegas, Nevada 133 O) days left in the year.

Anthony 97 O 34 R
Johnson 95 O 32 R 41 S-exception
Anthony Johnson 192 O 66 R 75 S-exception (his birthday was the 66th day of the year this year like Johnson 66 R)
Rumble 71 O 26 R
Rumble Johnson 166 O 58 R 67 S-exception

21-5 on and, win would mean 22-5, loss would mean 21-6 a lot like 2016
#1 in LHW rankings

Johnson is from
Dublin 62 O 26 R (Rumble 26 R)
Georgia 62 O 44 R (Kill 44 O) (Date num. 8+20+16=44)
Dublin, Georgia 124 O 70 R

Johnson fights out of
Boca Raton 89 O 35 R (467 in English gematria same as rumble 467)
Florida 65 O 38 R (Death=38)
Boca Raton, Florida 154 O 73 R (Sacrifice 73 O)

3/6/1984=112/31/93 (4,4 num. like kill 44 O)

Birthday this year:
3/6/2016=45/18/25 (9,9 num.)

Fighting 167 days (5 months 14 days) after his birthday not including the fight date and 168 days (5 months 15 days) including the fight date.

Fighting 203 days (6 months 21 days) after his last fight not including the fight date and 204 days (6 months 22 days) including the fight date,

Glover 79 O (Champion 79 O) 34 R
Teixeira 91 O 46 R (Sacrifice 46 R)
Glover Teixeira 170 O 80 R
No nickname

25-4 on and, win would mean 26-4 and loss would mean 25-5
#2 in LHW rankings

*On Teixeira has a 64% KO % like the date num, 8+20+20+16=64, his birth num also 10+28+1+9+7+9=64 his birthday 10/28 leaves 64 days left in the year and a win makes him 26-4*
*note the number is only 60% on but just wanted to point this out for the ufc site.

Teixeira is from
Sobralia 77 O 32 R 41 S-exception
Minas Gerais 115 O 52 R 70 S-exception (T-mobile arena 115 O) (T-mobile arena 52 R)
Brazil 68 O 32 R
Sobralia, Minas Gerais, Brazil 260 O 116 R 143 S-exception

Teixeira fights out of
Danbury 85 O 31 R (T-mobile 31 R)
Connecticut 127 O 46 R (Sacrifice 46 R) (Fighting 127 days after last fight)
Danbury, Connecticut 212 O 77 R

10/28/1979=136/64/37/117 (10,10,10 birth num; like the fight date num. added up) (Same as date num. 64 & 37) (hhis birthday 10/28 leaves 64 days left in the year like his birth num of 64. and the fight date num. of 64)

Birthday this year:
10/28/2016=74/47(Nevada 47 O)/20(Nevada 20 R)/54 (11,11 num.)

Fighting 69 days (2 months 8 days) (August twentieth 69 S-exception) before his birthday not including his birthday and 70 days (2 months 9 days) including his birthday.

Fighting 126 days (4 months 4 days) (kill 44 O) (date num 44, 8+20+16=44) after his last fight not including the fight date and 127 days (4 months 5 days) (Connecticut 127 O) including the fight date.

*One thing I think is possibly connected to this fight is Mark Teixeira's retirement, the first baseman of the Yankees.

Mark Teixeira announced he would be retiring at the end of the season on August 5th, 2016.
August 5th to Glover's birthday October 28th is 84 days 2 months 23 days like 322 the masonic number. Including Glover's birthday it is 85 days like Danbury 85 O, where he fights out of.

From August 20th the fight date to the last game for the Yankees on October 2nd is 44 days (kill 44 O)(date num of 44, 8+20+16=44)(1 month 13 days) (Scottish 113 O)

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